The Laboratory tubes


Well known about Tripeptide-3 (AHK)

Tetrapeptide-3, also knowns as AHK. It is a 3 amino acid long peptide, that has been bound together to create a synthetic peptide. Tetrapeptide-3 is found in everyone’s skin and can help to boost skin health and moisture levels. Tetrapeptide-3 is a part of your skin’s natural defence system, discovered by scientists in 2013 and now one of the most popular anti-ageing ingredients on the market. The cosmetic industry refers to AHK as DNA repair factor in some cases. AHK is offer, but not always, complexed with copper, make it AHK-Cu.

AHK has been found, in animal and in vitro research, to activate fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are responsible for much of the extracellular matrix(proteins outside of cells)production that occurs in skin and other connective tissues (e.g. bones, muscle, etc.). Fibroblasts are primarily responsible for the production of collagen and elastin. Collage gives skin strength and also acts to attract water, making skin smoother and suppler. Elastin gives skin an ability to stretch and helps to prevent the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. Together, collagen and elastin are heavily involved in preventing skin aging, with both quantity and quality of these proteins falling off as we age. Studies of the effects of AHK on collagen and elastin indicate that it increases collagen type l production by more than 300%.

Another effect of AHK is on the production of vascular endothelial growth factor and transforming growth factor beta-1. Endothelial cells line the inside of blood vessels and are responsible for much of the first stages of blood vessel growth Transforming growth factor beta-1 requlates cell growth, differentiation, and death. By increasing the secretion of endothelial growth factor and decreasing the secretion of transforming growth factor beta-1, AHK can stimulate blood vessel growth, particularly in the skin.


Benefit of AHK

AHK helps to stimulate the growth of collagen and elastin to strengthen the skin structure. As we age, the epidermis (the outside layer of skin that we see) and the dermis (the layer that holds our collagen and elastin) begin to separate, which can give the appearance of thinner skin and more pronounced lines and wrinkles. Tetrapeptide 3 works to strengthen the connection between these two layers to slow ageing. 

AHK is one of the most effective peptides for skin that can be used to treat a wide range of skin conditions or concerns. It has been proven to treat a range of issues including ageing and wrinkles.

In some research show that AHK also can protect existing hair follicles and even help to regrow hair.

Post time: Dec-16-2022